“Work study is a generic term for those techniques, method study and
work measurement which are used in the examination of human work in all its
contexts. And which lead systematically to the investigation of all the factors
which affect the efficiency and economy of the situation being reviewed, in
order to effect improvement”
The technique of work study
are two techniques of work study
1. Method
study is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and
proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and
more effective methods and reducing costs.
2. Work
Measurement is the application of
technique designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a
specific job at a defined level of performance.
Relationship between the techniques
study and work measurement are therefore, closely linked. Method study is
concerned with the reduction of the work content of a job or operation, while
work measurement is mostly concerned with the investigation and reduction of
any ineffective time associated with it; and with the subsequent establishment
of time standard for the operation when carried out in the improved fashion, as
determined by the method study.
3. Importance of work study
- Work-study is a means of
enhancing the production efficiency of the firm by eliminating of waste
and unnecessary operation.
- It is a technique to identify
non-value adding operations by investigation of all the factors affecting
the job
- it is the only accurate and
systematic procedure oriented technique to establish time standard
- It is going to contribute to the
profit as the savings will start immediately and continue throughout the
life of the product.
- It has got universal application.
4. Advantage of work study
- It helps to achieve the smooth
production flow with minimum interruptions.
- It helps to reduce the cost of
the product by eliminating waste and unnecessary operations.
- Better worker- management
- Meets the delivery commitment.
- Reduction in rejections and scrap
and higher utilization of resources of the organization.
- Helps to achieve better working
- Better work place layout.
- Improve upon the existing process
or methods and help in standardization and simplification.
- Helps to establish the standard
time for an operation or job which has got application in manpower
5. Professional approach of work study
study practitioners usually follow a standard routine when they do method
study. There are eight steps in performing a complete work study. There are
- Select
work to be studied
- Record
from observation of all relevant facts
- Examine
- Develop
the best method and work place
- Measure
quantity of work and calculate the standard time
- Define a
new method which gives best economic return
- Install as
a standard practice
- Maintain
by regular routine check
eight steps will be discussed in detailed in the method study and work
measurement chapter.
6. Human factor in the application of work study
1. Work study and Management
Managements should change the preoccupied belief that, too much stress on worker only the way to increase labor productivity with out giving due consideration to other aspects such as working environment, technology, motivation etc. The management should realize the fact that the workers are the key contributors to the productivity. The worker should be compensated fairly and should be given an opportunity participate in the decision making concerning their work and work related problem. Thus management can gain a lot from work study if it is able to convince the workers regarding objective of this study and there should a free and open communication between the management and employees to get maximum benefit out of work-study.
2. Work study and Supervisor
The work study man’s most difficult problem may often be the attitude of the supervisor. Before the start work study in floor the whole purpose of the work study and the procedures involved must have been carefully explained to the supervisor, so that he understand exactly what is being done and why. The work-study man must follow the following rules:
1. Work study and Management
Managements should change the preoccupied belief that, too much stress on worker only the way to increase labor productivity with out giving due consideration to other aspects such as working environment, technology, motivation etc. The management should realize the fact that the workers are the key contributors to the productivity. The worker should be compensated fairly and should be given an opportunity participate in the decision making concerning their work and work related problem. Thus management can gain a lot from work study if it is able to convince the workers regarding objective of this study and there should a free and open communication between the management and employees to get maximum benefit out of work-study.
2. Work study and Supervisor
The work study man’s most difficult problem may often be the attitude of the supervisor. Before the start work study in floor the whole purpose of the work study and the procedures involved must have been carefully explained to the supervisor, so that he understand exactly what is being done and why. The work-study man must follow the following rules:
- The work study man must never give a direct order to a worker. All instructions must be given through the supervisor.
- If worker ask question outside of the technical field work study man should always be referred to their supervisor.
- The work study man should never allow himself to express opinions to a worker which may be interpreted as critical of the supervisor.
- The work study man should seek the supervisor’s advice in the selection of job to study and in all technical matters concerned with the process.
- At the start of every investigation the work study man should be introduced to the workers concerned by the supervisor. The work study man should never try to start on his on.
study brings about the improvements through changes in the method, procedures
and also some habits. Any change is always resisted by human beings as because,
skilled workers who have been at their trades for many years believe themselves
masters of their crafts, as indeed they usually are. The work study man, in
discussing his work, has to make it very clear to worker that what he is doing,
thus the management and work study man should be able to gain the acceptability
and confidence of the worker by making understand the need of the change and
how this change is benefited for both workers and their company.
4. Work study Man
ideal work study should have certain qualification and qualities which are
essential for success.
minimum standard of education for anyone who is to take charge of work study
application in an enterprise is a good higher secondary or better still a
university education, preferably in the engineering or business fields.
is desirable that candidates for the posts as work study specialist should have
had practical experience in the industries in which they will be working. This
experience should include a period of actual work at one or more of the process
of the industry.
work study man should have following essential qualities
Sincerity and
The work study men must be sincere and
he must be honest; only in this way will be gain the confidence and respect of
those with whom he has to deal.
HE must be really keen on his job,
believe in the importance of what he is doing and be able to transmit his
enthusiasm to the people around him
Interest in
and sympathy with people
He must be able to get along with
people at levels. To get along with people it is necessary to be interested in
them and able to see their points of view
Tact is dealing with people comes from
understanding people and not wishing to hurt their feelings by unkind or
thoughtless words, even when these may be justified. Without tact no work study
man is going to get very far.
He must be neat and tidy and look
efficient. This will inspire coincidence in him among the people with whom he
has to work.
This can only come with good training
and experience of applying work study successfully.
7. Concept of work content
The amount of work contained in a
given job is referred to as work content. For given job work content is
measured in terms of man-hours or machine –hours. Work content may be
associated with two ways:
1. Basic work
Which is the minimum theoretically
required to do an operation or job. This cannot be reduced.
2. Excess work
The actual time required completing an
operation or job is more than the basic time in practical situation. This is
additional portion of the work content is called excess work content. Work
content added due to;
a. defect in
design and specification of product
b. inefficient
method of manufacture
c. shortcoming of
the management
d. reasons
attributed to worker