Techniques of Industrial Engineering

The tools and techniques of industrial engineering aim at improving the productivity of the organization by optimum utilization of organization’s resource, i.e., men, materials, and methods. The various tools and techniques of industrial engineering are:

1. Method study
To establish a standard method of performing a job or an operation after thorough analysis of the jobs and to establish the layout of production facilities to have a uniform flow of material without back tracking.

2. Work measurement
This is a technique used to establish a standard time for a job or for an operation.

3. Motion economy 
This is used to analysis the motion employed by the operators do the work. The principles of motion economy and motion analysis are very useful for mass production or for short cycle repetitive job.

4. Financial and non financial incentives
These helps to evolve at a rational compensation for the efforts of the workers

5. Value analysis
It ensures that unnecessary costs are built into the product and it tries to provide the required functions at the minimum cost. Hence helps to enhance the worth of the product.

6. Production planning and control
This includes the planning for the resources (like men, machine, material) proper scheduling and controlling production activities to ensure the right quantity, quality of product at predetermined time and pre established cost.

7. Inventory control

To find the economic lot size and the reorder level for the items so that the item should be made available to the production at the right time and quantity to avoid stock out situation and with minimum capital lock-up

8. Job evaluation
This is a technique which is used to determine the relative worth of job of the organization to aid in matching job and personnel and to arrive at sound wage policy.

9. Material handling
To scientifically analyze the movement of materials through various department to eliminate unnecessary movement to enhance the efficiency of material handling

10 Ergonomics
It is concerned with study of relationship between man and his working condition to minimize mental and physical stress. It is concerned with men machine system.

11. System analysis
It is the study of various sub-system and elements that make a system, their interdependencies in order to design, modify, and improve them to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.