
Common Abbreviations for Apparel Merchandising

The following abbreviation may be used for buyer sourcing, order negotiation, material procurement, and communication.

RMG Ready-Made Garment
GMT Garment
A/W Autumn/Winter
F/W Fall/Winter
S/S Spring/Summer
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
PO  Purchase Order
GPA Garment Purchase Agreement
SKU Stock Keeping Unit
Tech-Pack Technical Package
Spec. Specification
FPP Full Package Program
HPP Half Package program
CMT Cut Make and Trim
CM Cut and Make
FOB Free of Board
CFR Cost and Freight
CIF Cost Insurance and Freight
POS Point of Sales
GSP Generalized System of Preference
CA# CA (Canadian) Identification Number
WPL Wool Products Labeling
UPC Universal Product Code
PLM Product Life-Cycle Management 
PND Pattern Design
SMS Sales Men Sample
PP Pre production
PPS Preproduction Sample
TOP Top of Production
GPT Garment Performance Test
FPT Fabric Performance Test
QR Quick Response
RN Registered identification Number
POM Point of Measurement
HPS High Point Shoulder
CB Center Back
CBL Center Back Length
CF Center Front 
CFL Center Front Length
BL Body Length
Slv. Sleeve
SL  Sleeve Length
SS Side Seam/ Short Sleeve
WB Waist Band
TC Top Center
MOQ Minimum Order Quantity
L/C Letter of Credit
BBL/C Back to Back L/C
P/I Pro-forma Invoice
L/D Lab dip
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
YPD Yard Per Dozen
MPD Meter Per Dozen
FW Fabric Width
OZ Ounce per Sq. Yd
GSM Gram per Sq. Mtr
PPM Preproduction Meeting
Jr.  Junior
Jp. Junior Petite
Sr. Senior
Mp. Misses Petite 
Fab. Fabric
Acc. Accessories
Con. Consumption
Approx. Approximate
Art. Article
ASAP As Soon As Possible
Asst. Assistant
Attn. Attention
Avg. Average
Bus. Business
C.c. Courtesy  copy
Bcc. Blind courtesy copy
Cml. Commercial
Corp. Corporation
Dept. Department
e.g. for example
etc. and so forth
exp. Express
Fig. Figure
Fwd. Forward
i.e.  that is
I/O Instead of
Inc. Incorporation
Incl. Including
Inst. Instant
Inv.  Invoice
Invt. Inventory
Lbs. Pound
Oz. Ounce
Px. Price
S/B Should be
Std. Standard
Ttl. Total
Vol. Volume
Wk. Week