
Common Abbreviations for Apparel Engineering

Following Abbreviations may be used in apparel production engineering.
PBS Progressive Bundle System
UPS Unit Production System
MPS Modular Production System
PMTS Predetermined Motion Time System
GSD General Sewing Data
MTM Method Time Measurement
TMU Time Measurement Unit
CT Cycle Time
SC Single Cycle
OT Observed Time
RF Rating Factor
BT Basic Time
NPT Non Productive time
MA Machine Allowance
PF Personal & Fatigue
SMV Standard Minute Value
SAM Standard Allowed Minutes
SAHs Standard Allowed Hours
BPT Basic Pitch Time
UCL Upper Control Limit
LCL Lower Control Limit
TPT Through Put Time
WH Working Hour
WIP Work In Process/Progress
QCO Quick Change Over
OP Operator
PPC Production Planning and Control
TSS Toyota Sewing System
CWS Construction Without Sewing
M/C Machine
SS Superimpose Seam
LS Lap Seam
BS Bound Seam
FS Flat Seam
EF Edge Finish
OS Ornamental Stitch
LS Lock Stitch
CS Chain Stitch
FL Flat Lock
OL Over Lock
3T Three Thread
TC Top Centre
BT Bartack
BH Button Holing
BA Button Attach
ZZ Zigzag
FOA Feed Off the Arm
SPI Stitch Per Inch
SN Single Needle
DN Double needle
SNLS Single Needle Lock Stitch
DNLS Double Needle Lock Stitch
SNCS Single Needle Chain Stitch
DNCS Double Needle Chain Stitch
SMT  Scientific method of training
TOC Theory of Constrain