
Common Abbreviations for Production and Quality

Following Abbreviations may be used in Production, Quality & Compliance

PPM Preproduction Meeting
PCD Plan Cut Date
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
COP Cut Order Planning
F/F Face-to-face
F/O/W Facing-one-way
N/E/W Nap-either-way
N/U/D Nap-up-and-down
N/O/W Nap-one-way
RPM Rotation Per Minute
SS Superimpose Seam
LS Lap Seam
BS Bound Seam
FS Flat Seam
EF Edge Finish
OS Ornamental Stitch
SPI Stitch Per Inch
LS Lock Stitch
CS Chain Stitch
OL Over Lock
FL Flat Lock
SN Single Needle
DN Double Needle
SNLS Single Needle Lock Stitch
DNLS Double Needle Lock Stitch
SNCS Single Needle Chain Stitch
DNCS Double Needle Chain Stitch
CEO Chief Executive Officer
PM Production Manager
APM Assistant Production Manager
GM General Manager
AGM Assistant General Manager
CMP Critical Path Method
T&A Time and Action
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
GOH Garment on Hanger
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
ASTM American society for Testing and Materials
AATCC American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
US CPSC United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
AAQC  American Association of Quality Control
ISO International Organization for Standardization
GPT Garment Performance test
FPT Fabric Performance Test
TQM Total Quality Management
HDU Defect per Hundred Unit
QMS Quality Management System
SQC Statistical Quality Control
TPP Total Penalty Point
AQL Acceptable Quality Level or Acceptance Quality Limit
QC Quality Control
QA Quality assurance
FQA Final Quality Audit
PSI Pre-Shipment Inspection
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
WRAP Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
BSCI Business Social Compliance Initiative
ETI Ethical Trading Initiative
FWF  Fair Wear Foundation
FLA  Fair Labor Association
GTZ  German ministry of Development Co-operation
ITGLWF International Textile, Garment, Leather Workers Federation
MSIs  Multi-stakeholder initiatives
NGO  Non-governmental organisation
SAI Social Accountability International
VGT  Vereniging of Grootwinkel Bedrijven
WFSGI  World Federation of Sporting Goods
WRC  Workers Rights Consortium

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